Library of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation
The University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation (TiHo) was founded in 1778 as „Königliche Roßarzney-Schule“ and is the only school for veterinary medicine in Germany that has kept its independent status. Since 1849, the university’s library has provided its members with specialist information on veterinary medicine and related fields and has since developed into one of the largest veterinary libraries in German-speaking countries.
In addition to providing up-to-date specialist literature on site, the library focuses on electronic information services.
It offers services on all aspects of “scientific work” and supports its scientists in questions of Open Access and research data management. The aim is to make the research output broadly visible and to stimulate reuse and transfer.
The library also offers regular training courses for students in information and media skills as well as targeted advice on scientific publishing for all members of the university.
The protection of cultural heritage is another important task of the library. This includes not only restoration projects, but also digitisation projects of its old and valuable holdings, which can thus be made accessible to a wider public.
The library is always available as a partner for cooperation and projects.